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Noi periferice Asus: caști și tastaturi de gaming cu iluminare Aura

  • Publication:
  • Sectiunea: TEHNOLOGIE
  • Author: Radu DUMITRU
  • Medium: Blog
  • Tipul aparitiei: Cover Story
  • Data: 2018-03-30
  • Link:



Do you know when I tested the Asus ROG Strix Fusion 300 headphones and said I'm entry-level, although it costs 600 lei? They were really entry-level, but with the mention that ROG Strix are premium headphones, well-made in all respects. Now they have presented the ROG Strix Fusion 500, which in this series will be positioned in the middle, and in the future appears model 700, with even more tricks on board. The 500 Series comes with some significant improvements over the 300. As a matter of fact, there are lights that can take any RGB color (300 series lit only on red) and a phone application allows them to be synchronized, a team-designed solution as a competition to have the same game of light or different colors depending on the role in the team and the team.

Companii menționate

  • ASUS

Branduri menționate

  • Foarte buna ASUS

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