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Doua puncte forte pe Asus Zenbook Pro 14 Duo, laptop cu ecran secundar deasupra tastelor

  • Publication:
  • Sectiunea: TEHNOLOGIE
  • Author: n/a
  • Medium: Blog
  • Tipul aparitiei: Review
  • Data: 2022-09-30
  • Link:


  • Legat de evenimentul: n/a
  • Release: n/a


Anyway, it's a premium model and overall you can't fault a 10,000 laptop. Rather it's how the user's needs fit with this form of laptop and its dual screen. It's more efficient or economical to have a high-performance laptop and still have a normal monitor screen next to it. Even the Zenbook Pro 14 Duo helps with an HDMI 2.1 if you want even more screens around you. This model is designed more as an all-in-one, for those who don't want or can't have an extra monitor next to them on their desk.

Companii menționate

  • ASUS

Branduri menționate

  • Foarte buna ASUS
  • Foarte buna ZenBook

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