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QNAP a lansat oficial sistemul QTS 4.3.5 pentru serverele NAS

  • Publication:
  • Sectiunea: COMUNICATE
  • Author: n/a
  • Medium: Site Web
  • Tipul aparitiei: News
  • Data: 2018-10-10
  • Link:



QNAP, the leading provider of computing, networking and storage solutions, officially launched QTS 4.3.5. Designed to harness the benefits of SSD solutions to meet the demands of high-speed networks, QTS 4.3.5 marks an important milestone in the evolution of operating systems dedicated to NAS servers. Along with the defined network architecture of the software and the additional functionality, QTS 4.3.5 offers a simplified experience focusing on performance.

Companii menționate

  • QNAP

Branduri menționate

  • Foarte buna QNAP

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