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iLikeIT. S-a lansat Asus Zenfone 5: ”Seamănă izbitor cu iPhone 10, dar la o treime din preț”

  • Publication: Pro TV
  • Sectiunea: Smart things
  • Author: Marian ANDREI
  • Medium: Post TV
  • Tipul aparitiei: News
  • Data: 2018-02-28
  • Link:



The latest Asus Zenfone 5 is very similar to the iPhone. Asus also admitted they were inspired by the competition, but they say their "breton" is a little bit smaller, because they have managed to put more technology into a smaller space. However, it is certain that the Asus Zenfone 5 is a good "good" device that moves well, but at a price well below that of iPhone models: around 400 euros.

Companii menționate

  • ASUS

Branduri menționate

  • Foarte buna ZenFone
  • Neutru iPhone

Persoane menționate